As it is aware, water conservation campaign was implemented by NABARD during 2o17, covering 101569 villages spread over 25o districts with focus on promoting efficient water conservation management technologies and other water smart practices in agriculture by way of facilitating credit flow, convergence of public/ corporate resources and leveraging voluntary actions of the village community.
In order to consolidate the outcomes of the above campaign and take concrete measures to enhance the water availability and water-use efficiency in select villages, NABARD has approved a scheme "Integrated Water Management Scheme through Watershed approach", in principle to be implemented in 25o villages, spread over 5o districts in the country during 2018-19 to 2019-20.
Out of these 5o districts, 4o are aspirational districts identified by the Government of India and the remaining 10 districts were identified by the concerned –NABARD-R0s. In this regard, as guided by NABARD, SHARP has identified the fjollwing 5 villages in Atmakur(M) and Motakondur mandals of Yadadi Bhongir district; and being implementing the IWMS.
NRM Works: Under the project, NFB, Loose boulder Structures (LBS), Rock Filled Dams (RFDs), Gabion Structures(GBS), Farm Ponds (FPs), Mini Percolaiton Tanks(MPTs) were constructed with a object to soil-moisture conservation and water harvesting.
Promotion of Millet Plots: As the CPP area is relatively under moderate rainfall with red murum soil; millets are suited to grow in this area. Millets such as, Korra, and Jowar are promoted.
Horticulture Plantation: Guava like plants were planted under the project.
Drip Irrigation: Under better and judicial water management practices, Drip system are distributed to the project beneficiaries.
Mulching demo units: units of Mulching demo units are installed in the project area same were distributed to 5 farmers.
Pandal Based Veg Cultivation: To intensify the vegetable cultivation, Pandal based vegetable cultivation is practiced in the project villages. Pandals are supported by stone poles erected in organized way. Creepers are spread over the GI wired mat over the pandal.
Following training and exposure programmes were organized under the project: o High density cropping system o Mandal level interface and convergence meeting with line departments. o Exposure on Zeero based Natural Farming (ZBNF) o Integrated water management practices.
Contact Info
Mothkur , Yadadri Bhongiri (Dist), Hyderabad, Telangana, India.